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Sustainability decalogue of ceramic products

Ceramic materials in buildings and constructions have been used for hundreds of years. It shows us the balance in terms of environmental, social, and economic aspects.

10 reasons why ceramic products are sustainable:

  • Natural origin. The main ceramic product is clay, which is formed from minerals and has a wide variety of industrial uses. It is obtained in nature abundantly and is easy to extract.
  • Responsible extraction. Responsible extraction. The extraction of the clay is carried out in a safe and efficient way, following the law of Environmental Responsibility. Once the quarries are exhausted, natural reserves or areas for agricultural use are created, promoting a further opportunity for biodiversity.
  • Efficient manufacturing. A 24% reduction in total CO2 emissions has been achieved in the last 10 years. In terms of energy consumption, efficiency is promoted through certain measures such as the use of natural gas or biomass, coupled with the application of better techniques further optimizing energy consumption.
  • Energy efficiency and thermal insulation. Ceramic products and systems have high thermal inertia that improves the thermal behavior of buildings, thanks to the damping and lag that occurs in the thermal wave that passes through the enclosures. Causing that greater temperature difference between outside and inside.
  • Security for the users. The robustness, fire resistance, as it avoids flames, fumes, and toxic gases, and protection against sudden winds, rain or snow are characteristic of ceramic products that corroborate their safety.
  • Comfortable and healthy environment. The materials provide high acoustic insulation, have a good behavior against moisture that prevents the appearance of mold or odors, and do not emit volatile organic compounds preserving a clean atmosphere.
  • Long service life and hardly maintenance. The Environmental Product Declaration guarantees a product life of 150 years. In fact, ceramic materials are characterized by embellishment over time. The event that will favor the economic savings of homeowners by not having to pay periodically for the maintenance or renovation of the same.
  • Innovative and cutting-edge solutions. Thanks to the existence of a wide range of ceramic tiles existing in the market and a great diversity of shapes and textures, today they allow making works of great architectural value with an avant-garde design.
  • Conservation of architectural patrimony. A lot of Spanish towns and cities have been built with ceramic materials and roof tiles. Its high durability, high performance, and very affordable market price facilitates the preservation of the patrimony.
  • Contribution to the circular economy. Reusable and recyclable. Despite the long life of buildings built with ceramic products, such buildings are sometimes demolished before the end of their useful life. When this happens, the ceramic products seen can be recovered and reused.

La Escandella
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