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Hispalyt announces the finalists for its 2021/2023 Brick and Tile Architecture Awards

  • On February 22, the decision of the 2021-2023 Brick and Tile Architecture Awards took place.
  • In each of the categories of the Awards, 3 or 4 finalists have been chosen.
  • The winners of the First Prize and of each category will be announced at the Awards ceremony, which will take place on May 31 at the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM).

Madrid, March 1, 2024.- The Hispalyt Architecture Awards are a biennial competition that has rewarded, for more than 30 years, the most significant current works built with exposed brick and tiles. In this way, architectural production and innovation with ceramic materials is valued.

On February 22, the decision of the Jury of the 2021-2023 Awards took place, which was made up of the following professionals of recognized prestige:

  • Sol86, winners of the 2019-2020 Brick Architecture Award
  • Flexo Arquitectura, winners of the 2019-2021 Teja Architecture Award
  • José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Excellence in Ceramic Architecture Award 2019-2021
  • Benedetta Tagliabue (Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT Architects)
  • Enrique Sanz, architect, director of the magazine conarquitectura
  • Pedro Rognoni, president of Hispalyt
  • Alfred Vincent, President of the Hispalyt Texas Section
  • Elena Santiago, general secretary of Hispalyt

The Jury has chosen the three or four finalists in each of the categories, including the winners of the First Prize and each category, which will be announced at the Awards ceremony. This edition of the Awards have exceeded all expectations, consolidating the prestige that these awards have acquired over the years, and that is thanks to the fact that in our country many architects continue to rely on brick and tile to give shape to their projects, as a result, inspiring works with innovative designs that set trends.

TEJA AWARD FINALISTS In the Winners section of the Teja Award website, you can consult the finalists of each category, in addition to the 2021-2023 Tile Architecture Award decision and the Summary of works Tile Architecture Award 2021-2023 with finalists.

Category New construction

  1. Single-family house in Xinzo. Brión (A Coruña). Carbajo & Barrios Arquitectos Asociados
  2. Housing in Bañares (La Rioja). Atelier Atlántico
  3. Central buildings and camping bungalows in Alcanar (Tarragona). Bajet Rotamne & JAAS
  4. Housing in Panchés (A Coruña). Arrokabe Arquitectos

Category  Rehabilitation

From left to right in the images:

  • Refurbishment of the Ciprián Traditional Shipyard in Outes (A Coruña). Fp Architecture S. Coop. Galega
  • Restoration of the roofs of the sacristy of the cathedral of Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca). Emilio Sanchez Gil, Fernando Sanchez Cuadrado and Emilio Sanchez Square
  • Rehabilitation of an agricultural farm in a rural house in Aiguamurcia (Tarragona). Estudi NUA

Category: Sustainability

From left to right in the images:

  • Dwelling-workshop in Tierra de Campos in Boadilla de Rioseco (Palencia). Lara Fuster Prieto
  • Central buildings and camping bungalows in Alcanar (Tarragona). Bajet Rotame & JAAS
  • Housing in Panchés (A Coruña). Arrokabe Arquitectos


The winners of the First Prize and of each category will be announced at the award ceremony Awards, which will take place on May 31 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM). The website of the Hispalyt Architecture Awards 2021-2023 will also be presented, in which the winning works, finalists and selected by the Jury of the Prize will be shown. of Brick and Tile. In addition, the “Excellence in Architecture” Award will also be presented at the event Ceramics”, created by the Association to recognize architectural professionals who have excelled in his trajectory through the use of ceramic materials. And that materializes in sculpture ‘Terracotta’, which symbolises a ceramic building with large windows. The full programme of this event will be announced soon.

Thank you to all of you who participated!

Let’s keep building together.

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